Jialat Jialat

After i register a Gmail Account and Picasa Web Album using this name Jialat Jialat, everyone ask me why use this name. To hokkien people this word Jialat mean Serious or 大祸. To Mandarin people Jialat mean Eat Energy or 吃力 or 够力. To my Canon EOS 40D ... Jialat is the sound of the Shutter. The shutter button is too sensitive and fast until everyone who 1st time use it will accidentally continuous shoot 2 photo. This is how the 2 word originated. Dun ask me why the camera Shutter sound like this, ask canon why they want to manufactured it sound like that.

During the trip when we saw something nice or interesting outside the car while 加奶 driving then i will just produce the sound Jialat Jialat to let everyone know that i shoot the photo with my eye and process it with my heart and store it in my brain for my own appreciation. 私家 on my side will produce the sound jik jak ... to sound that she do the same thing like she using her Sony Compact camera. We just apply what we heard during the KLPF '07 at Times Square where one of the speaker mention on 心中有相机.

Then 阿明 on my other side uses 1/3 of the trip time searching for his Canon Powershot A700. His backpack is look like medium size but inside is so huge that anything fall inside will have possibility to get lost and cause him 1/3 of the time searching for thing. He dun produce sound but his Canon Powershot A700 will produce a Autofocus sound ...TiT then shutter sound ..Jik Jak. 阿明 then say i manage to shoot but composition is not correct. 小强师傅 then will say this as 缺陷美.


ahMing said…
wow... good one, guys.
Keep up, jia you (Y).
Caryn said…
keng woh ....心中有相機。。。喀嚓!喀嚓!
ahmeng said…
jialat jialat = sibeh jialat..

so better register another gmail account so that your picasa can put more photo while this jialat jialat is full.. ;)

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